1. Your Identification(current step: 1 of 6)
  2. Your details
  3. Your account
  4. Your tax identifier
  5. Your wealth
  6. Review and submit

Getting started

Please create a login, so you can save and resume your application any time.

Please note this is case sensitive. This means you need to remember exactly how you type your email as you will need to use this to log back in throughout your account opening application Example: if you use Jane.Doe@ABC.com you will not be able to log in with jane.doe@abc.com or Jane.Doe@abc.com or any other variation
Your password must contain at least 12 characters including 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number.

We require you to create a security question and answer that may be used to identify you during the application process.


  • ● Create a security question that is memorable, specific and only you can answer.
  • ● Security question answers should be at least 6 characters long.
  • ● Try not to create a common security question, such as "What is your mother’s maiden name?", as the answer to such questions can be easy to guess.


  • ● In what town or city did your parents meet?
  • ● What was the name of your second pet?
  • ● Who was your childhood hero?

Important legal information and privacy notice

The information you supply will be retained and processed by us for administration purposes in connection with your application and to offer you assistance with your application, if necessary. By progressing with your application, you confirm your agreement to your information being used in this way. We may also contact you to obtain feedback on our application process for the purpose of improving the service we offer. If you do not complete your application, it will be deleted after 90 days and your name, email and telephone details will be deleted after 18 months.

Note: The information that you enter into this form will be used to pre-populate an application booklet, which will, together with the Barclays Terms (opens in a new window), the additional terms for each account selected (the "additional terms"), and any other terms and conditions that Barclays Bank PLC and Barclays Bank UK PLC ("we", "us", "our") agree with you in writing are to be part of the Agreement, and any additional information as to our charges, commissions and interest rates provided to you by us or other Barclays contacts, forms a written legal agreement (the "Agreement") that seeks to define our relationship with you in respect of our services.

The law favours written agreements, so it is important you read the documents setting out the Agreement carefully to ensure they contain everything you want and do not contain anything you are not prepared to agree to. We will provide you with a copy of the Barclays Terms and the Additional Terms, which you should keep in a safe place. If you have any concerns or want to change any provision of the Agreement at any time, please contact us.

Barclays Bank PLC, Barclays Bank UK PLC and its subsidiaries will collect and use information about you to enable the prompt opening of an account with us should you wish to continue with your application. We may contact credit reference and fraud prevention agencies for information about you to help us make decisions about providing financial services to you. More information on how we will use your information can be found on our website (https://international.barclays.com/) under Privacy & Security including “Privacy Policy (opens in a new window)” and “Terms and Conditions – under your personal information (opens in a new window)”.

In order to prevent fraud Barclays may contact you via a video call as part of your application process. The video call or parts of it will be stored as part of your application.